April 6
LISC Webinar
Complete The Streets: Making Roads and Streets an Integral Component of Sustainable Communities
While we know that streets are the vital link between homes, jobs, amenities, and retail corridors, the challenge is often to create road patterns and streetscapes that ensure safe, attractive, pedestrian-friendly environments for neighborhood residents. Join this webcast to learn more about how communities can incorporate streets into community planning processes and develop transportation options that enhance quality of life. National experts and local practitioners will look at how to complete the streets - integrate citiziens into decisions, advocate for place-based government policies, design efffective streetscapes, and implement effective strategies. Discussion will include both transit and transportation and provide opportunities for interative participation.
11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Register to attend here.
April 10
April 13
Caltrans Webinar
Rethinking Infrastructure: How Do We Make Urban Arterials Safer and More Comfortable for Pedestrians?
Elizabeth Macdonald — University of California Transportation Center
Details here.
April 16
South Park-Burlingame Community Walk, Sponsored by WalkSanDiego
8:30-9:00 am – Meet your fellow walkers; 9:00 am – 10:30am – Walk
Meet at the corner of 30th Street and Juniper Street. Let’s explore this beautiful old neighborhood famous for its pink-concrete sidewalks. We’ll stroll through several neighborhoods areas with well-known historic homes that showcase a number of San Diego architects/architectural styles. Three mile walk on flat terrain.
Suggested $5 donation for non-members. No reservations needed.
For further information, contact Dave Schumacher
April 20-22
OTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Training
California WALKS and UCB SafeTREC will facilitate community pedestrian safety Toward Zero Deaths engagement training at the California Office of Traffic Safety's April 20-22 statewide seminar in San Diego. Learn how-tos for pedestrian count and travel prediction, Health Assessments, crash data GIS-mapping, new MUTCD signals/signs, SRTS, pedestrian law enforcement, federal Liveability funding and more. Limited scholarships are available--contact Jill Cooper, Associate Director, SafeTREC
Click here for flyer and to register.
Upcoming Conferences
Registration is now open for two upcoming pedestrian-friendly conferences:
Safe Routes to School 2011 - Minneapolis, MN
August 16-18
More info and registration here.
Congress for New Urbanism 19 - Growing Local
June 1-4
More info and registration here.
LISC Webinar
Complete The Streets: Making Roads and Streets an Integral Component of Sustainable Communities
While we know that streets are the vital link between homes, jobs, amenities, and retail corridors, the challenge is often to create road patterns and streetscapes that ensure safe, attractive, pedestrian-friendly environments for neighborhood residents. Join this webcast to learn more about how communities can incorporate streets into community planning processes and develop transportation options that enhance quality of life. National experts and local practitioners will look at how to complete the streets - integrate citiziens into decisions, advocate for place-based government policies, design efffective streetscapes, and implement effective strategies. Discussion will include both transit and transportation and provide opportunities for interative participation.
11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Register to attend here.
April 10
April 13
Caltrans Webinar
Rethinking Infrastructure: How Do We Make Urban Arterials Safer and More Comfortable for Pedestrians?
Elizabeth Macdonald — University of California Transportation Center
Details here.
April 16
South Park-Burlingame Community Walk, Sponsored by WalkSanDiego
8:30-9:00 am – Meet your fellow walkers; 9:00 am – 10:30am – Walk
Meet at the corner of 30th Street and Juniper Street. Let’s explore this beautiful old neighborhood famous for its pink-concrete sidewalks. We’ll stroll through several neighborhoods areas with well-known historic homes that showcase a number of San Diego architects/architectural styles. Three mile walk on flat terrain.
Suggested $5 donation for non-members. No reservations needed.
For further information, contact Dave Schumacher
April 20-22
OTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Training
California WALKS and UCB SafeTREC will facilitate community pedestrian safety Toward Zero Deaths engagement training at the California Office of Traffic Safety's April 20-22 statewide seminar in San Diego. Learn how-tos for pedestrian count and travel prediction, Health Assessments, crash data GIS-mapping, new MUTCD signals/signs, SRTS, pedestrian law enforcement, federal Liveability funding and more. Limited scholarships are available--contact Jill Cooper, Associate Director, SafeTREC
Click here for flyer and to register.
Upcoming Conferences
Registration is now open for two upcoming pedestrian-friendly conferences:
Safe Routes to School 2011 - Minneapolis, MN
August 16-18
More info and registration here.
Congress for New Urbanism 19 - Growing Local
June 1-4
More info and registration here.