Thursday, December 6, 2012

This Week on Foot

Photo courtesy southwest riverside news network
With the holiday season comes the traditional Santa Claus crosswalk sting, this week in Moreno Valley where Crosswalk offenders busted by Santa Claus decoy in Moreno Valley . But they really should have been doing it in British Columbia, where Caution urged after 17 pedestrians hit in 7 days-- or maybe Maryland, where Protecting pedestrians proves an elusive goal . Milbrae is another good candidate, where Caltrans slow to boost pedestrian safety on hairy Millbrae road --and they might not celebrate Christmas in all of India, but a similar exercise would surely be helpful in Bangalore, because Bangalore is a no-walking zone.

Fortunately, they're Reducing pedestrian perils  in Tampa and Rallying for pedestrian safety in Canada, while Raleigh looks to make overpasses more pedestrian friendly  and in Boston Quincy councilors focus on pedestrian safety with renewed vigor. Elsewhere in the country This Pedestrian Bridge Will Soon Connect Brooklyn Heights To Brooklyn Bridge Park , and College Street project a pedestrian 'show stopper' , while Program studies ‘walkability, bikeability’ of schools in Iowa City and the City Maps Out Sidewalk Plan in New Haven.

Finally this week we learn of 10 Techniques for Making Cities More Walkable, and A “Movement For Movement” Puts Walking Front and Center. Oh, and with all the talk of holiday spending out there these days, it's worth noting that Cyclists and Pedestrians Can End Up Spending More Each Month Than Drivers

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

One Step at a Time - CouchSurfing Across the U.S.

If you've been following me for a while, you'll remember how two years ago I hosted advocate and walker extraordinaire George Throop on the first leg of his journey across the US on foot to promote daily physical activity (like walking!).

Since then he's made it to North Carolina, and has only a few short states to go until meeting his goal of walking from Washington (state) to Washington (DC). Here's a short video with the latest on his journey, but you can get the full story of his travels (including an awesome map of his route) on his website Enjoy the Walk. Keeping enjoying it, George!