Here a web, there a web, everywhere a webinar...
July 17 - 11:00 AM PDT
What's Working in Collaboration for Health Promotion
When health advocates work together across local, state and national lines, they achieve change more effectively. Online resources can help them come together — but with so many different resources out there, which are the most useful? Join and public health experts on July 17 for a free webinar to discuss current collaboration trends and success stories.
Register here.
July 17 - 10:00 AM PDT
Making Tough Choices Easier: How To Prioritize Pedestrian Infrastructure Needs
Safe Routes Coaching Action Network
How do you know which infrastructure improvements will have the greatest impact on walking and biking to school? This webinar will help you learn how to prioritize projects at various schools within a community and how this has been applied in two communities. First, you will be introduced to the guide on infrastructure project selection developed by the National Center for Safe Routes to School. Then planners and engineers from San Francisco and Miami will discuss two different approaches to prioritizing projects at multiple schools.
Register here.
July 18 - 12:00 PM PDT
The Greener Side of Green Streets: Reducing Pavement Footprints
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
This webinar will explore how some cities are working to reduce the environmental footprint of their streets while also adding value for bicyclists and pedestrians. Attendees will learn about Portland's Green Street Projects which improve both storm water management and traffic calming through the use of semi-diverters, curb extensions, offset intersections and pervious pavements as components of neighborhood greenways and pocket parks. The session also includes information about Chicago's Sustainable Streets demonstration projects, which use recycled materials, pervious surfaces, reflective pavement coatings, street trees and other treatments to create sustainable streetscapes.
Register here.
July 24 12:00 PM PDT
TRB for Bike/Ped Professionals: Understanding and Engaging the Transportation Research Board
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
Attend this free webinar to find out what the Transportation Research Board does and how its work benefits bicycle and pedestrian professionals. TRB's focus is research; presenters will explain how TRB conducts and disseminates research, citing current outcomes from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committees. Learn how to engage with TRB through research needs statements, submitting a paper, the peer review process, and practice-ready papers and other TRB products.
Register here.
July 26 - 11:00 AM PDT
The Economic Benefits of Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School Partnership
In this webinar, expert speakers will discuss how bicycling and walking can boost local economies, how bicycling and walking saves communities money and specific research on the topic.
Register here.
July 30 - 10:00 AM PDT
SRTS Middle School Curriculum: Why it is Important and How to Make an Impact
Safe Routes Coaching Action Network
When most people think of SRTS programs, elementary school students come to mind. In this webinar, we will discuss why it is so important to reach out to middle school students, why it is often so challenging to get through to them, and three examples of programs designed to make an impact on these preteens.
Register here.
July 24 - 12:30 PM PDT
Using Health Impact Assessments to Connect Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Health
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Health impact assessments are a valuable tool for estimating the health impact of various projects and policies. This webinar will explore what health impact assessments are and how they can be used to connect bicycle and pedestrian safety and health. Bethany Rogerson, senior associate for the Health Impact Project, a collaboration of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts, will provide an overview of HIA programs and how they can add value to a decision-making process.
Register here.
July 17 - 11:00 AM PDT
What's Working in Collaboration for Health Promotion
When health advocates work together across local, state and national lines, they achieve change more effectively. Online resources can help them come together — but with so many different resources out there, which are the most useful? Join and public health experts on July 17 for a free webinar to discuss current collaboration trends and success stories.
Register here.
July 17 - 10:00 AM PDT
Making Tough Choices Easier: How To Prioritize Pedestrian Infrastructure Needs
Safe Routes Coaching Action Network
How do you know which infrastructure improvements will have the greatest impact on walking and biking to school? This webinar will help you learn how to prioritize projects at various schools within a community and how this has been applied in two communities. First, you will be introduced to the guide on infrastructure project selection developed by the National Center for Safe Routes to School. Then planners and engineers from San Francisco and Miami will discuss two different approaches to prioritizing projects at multiple schools.
Register here.
July 18 - 12:00 PM PDT
The Greener Side of Green Streets: Reducing Pavement Footprints
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
This webinar will explore how some cities are working to reduce the environmental footprint of their streets while also adding value for bicyclists and pedestrians. Attendees will learn about Portland's Green Street Projects which improve both storm water management and traffic calming through the use of semi-diverters, curb extensions, offset intersections and pervious pavements as components of neighborhood greenways and pocket parks. The session also includes information about Chicago's Sustainable Streets demonstration projects, which use recycled materials, pervious surfaces, reflective pavement coatings, street trees and other treatments to create sustainable streetscapes.
Register here.
July 24 12:00 PM PDT
TRB for Bike/Ped Professionals: Understanding and Engaging the Transportation Research Board
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
Attend this free webinar to find out what the Transportation Research Board does and how its work benefits bicycle and pedestrian professionals. TRB's focus is research; presenters will explain how TRB conducts and disseminates research, citing current outcomes from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committees. Learn how to engage with TRB through research needs statements, submitting a paper, the peer review process, and practice-ready papers and other TRB products.
Register here.
July 26 - 11:00 AM PDT
The Economic Benefits of Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School Partnership
In this webinar, expert speakers will discuss how bicycling and walking can boost local economies, how bicycling and walking saves communities money and specific research on the topic.
Register here.
July 30 - 10:00 AM PDT
SRTS Middle School Curriculum: Why it is Important and How to Make an Impact
Safe Routes Coaching Action Network
Register here.
July 24 - 12:30 PM PDT
Using Health Impact Assessments to Connect Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Health
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Health impact assessments are a valuable tool for estimating the health impact of various projects and policies. This webinar will explore what health impact assessments are and how they can be used to connect bicycle and pedestrian safety and health. Bethany Rogerson, senior associate for the Health Impact Project, a collaboration of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts, will provide an overview of HIA programs and how they can add value to a decision-making process.
Register here.
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