Courtesy of the ever-helpful John Z. Wetmore, a list of conferences that may interest you this year:
7-10 International Disaster Conference / National Evacuation Conference; New Orleans, LA
12-16 Transportation Research Board (TRB); Washington, DC
16-17 Transforming Transportation (EMBARQ); Washington, DC
17-18 Oklahoma Bike Summit; Tulsa, OK
20-24 World Of Concrete; Las Vegas, NV
22-24 Conference of Mayors; Washington, DC
22-25 National Sheriffs Association Winter Conference; Washington, DC
24 Iowa Bicycle Summit; Des Moines, IA
27-28 ASTM F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear; Houston, TX
28-30 Nat'l Conf on Science, Policy and the Environment: Building Climate Solutions; Washington, DC
4-7 Winter Road Congress; Andorra
6-7 Media That Matters; Washington, DC
8 New Jersey Bike & Walk Summit; New Brunswick, NJ
9-11 National Conference of Regions; Washington, DC
10-11 Good Jobs, Green Jobs; Washington, DC
10-11 Colorado Bike Summit; Denver, CO
11 Maryland Bike Symposium; Annapolis, MD
12-13 International Winter Cycling Conference; Winnipeg, Canada
13-15 New Partners For Smart Growth; Denver, CO
16-19 Conference on Play; Clemson, SC
16-24 Safer Roads by Design: Across Six Continents; Orlando, FL
21-25 ATSSA - American Traffic Safety Services Assn. Convention and Traffic Expo; San Antonio, TX
22 Alumni Day; Princeton, NJ
23-27 Partners for Public Lands; Albuquerque, NM
1-5 NACO - National Association of Counties Legislative Conference; Washington, DC
3-4 Transportation/ Land Use Planning and Air Quality (TLUPAQ) Conference; Charlotte, NC
3-4 Smart and Sustainable Campuses; Baltimore, MD
3-5 National Bike Summit; Washington, DC
8-12 Congressional City Conference; Washington, DC
9-11 American Public Transportation Assn. Legislative Conference (APTA); Washington, DC
9-12 Active Living Research; San Diego, CA
9-12 Institute Of Transportation Engineers (ITE); Miami, FL
11-15 Aging in America; San Diego, CA
14-16 North American Handmade Bicycle Show; Charlotte, NC
19-21 Design-Build in Transportation; San Jose, CA
19-22 Urban Affairs Association; San Antonio, TX
21 Delaware Walk & Bike Summit; Newark, DE
25-26 National Recreation and Parks Association Legislative Forum; Washington, DC
26-28 Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference; Fort Worth, TX
27-29 MT Bike Walk Summit; Billings, MT
30-4/5 Sustainable Trails Conference; Stonewall, WV
1-4 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance; St. Louis, MO
8-10 California Trails and Greenways; Palm Springs, CA
8-11 International Association for Impact Assessment; Vina del Mar, Chile
8-12 Association of American Geographers (AAG); Tampa, FL
9-11 Fifth International Transportation and Economic Development Conference; Dallas, TX
9-11 ULI - Urban Land Institute Spring Meeting; Vancouver, Canada
11-12 Georgia Trail Summit; Athens, GA
12-13 Global Health and Innovation Conference; New Haven, CT
14-16 Women's Issues in Transportation; Paris, France
14-17 Transport Research Arena; Paris, France
16-18 International Conference on Roundabouts; Seattle, WA
21-22 Oregon Active Transportation Summit; Portland, OR
22-25 ICTI - International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure; Pisa, Italy
24-26 Alaska Statewide Trails Conference; Anchorage, Alaska.
26-30 APA - American Planning Association; Atlanta, GA
27-29 Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities; Nashville, TN
28-30 Transportation Asset Management; Miami, FL
4-7 APWA - American Public Works Assn. North American Snow Conference; Cincinnati, OH
4-7 APTA Bus and Paratransit Conference; Kansas City, MO
7 Bike To School Day
7-9 Eastern Region Communication and Technology Conference; New Brunswick, NJ
8-10 AARP - Life@50+; Boston, MA
13-16 National Outdoor Recreation Conference; San Francisco, CA
14-16 PedsCount! 2014; Sacramento, CA
18-21 National Main Streets Conference; Detroit, MI
18-21 International Safer Roads Conference; Cheltenham, U.K.
19-21 Electric Drive Transportation Association; Indianapolis, IN
21-23 International Transport Forum; Leipzig, Germany
27-30 Velo-City Global; Adelaide, Australia
28-30 Urban Transport and the Environment; The Algarve, Portugal
29-6/1 Reunions; Princeton, NJ
3-5 Energy Ocean International; Atlantic City, NJ
4-7 CNU - Congress For The New Urbanism; Buffalo, NY
7 National Trails Day
8-11 NARC - National Association of Regional Councils; Louisville, KY
8-12 International Making Cities Livable (IMCL); Portland, OR
15-18 APTA Rail Conference; Montreal, Canada
20-13 U.S. Conference of Mayors; Dallas, TX
20-25 National Sheriffs Association; Fort Worth, TX
23-24 ASTM F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear; Toronto, Canada
26-28 AIA - American Institute of Architects; Chicago, IL
29-7/2 North American Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NATMEC); Chicago, IL
9-11 Surface Transportation Financing; Irvine, CA
9-11 NACCHO - Nat'l Ass'n of County and City Health Officials; Atlanta, GA
10-11 Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) Safety Symposium; Washington, DC
11-14 NACO - National Association of Counties; New Orleans, LA
16-18 Footbridge 2014; London, UK
20-23 Alternative Intersections and Interchanges; Salt Lake City, UT
21-23 Transportation Planning for Small and Medium-Sized Communities; Burlington, VT
3-8 Global Level Crossing Symposium; Urbana-Champaign, IL
6-8 Alliance for Community Media; Philadelphia, PA
6-9 International Cycling History Conference; Baltimore, MD
10-13 Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE); Seattle, WA
17-20 APWA - American Public Works Association; Toronto, Canada
19-22 NSCL - Nat'l Conference of State Legislatures - Legislative Summit; Minneapolis, MN
1 Mackinac Bridge Walk; Mackinaw City, MI
4-6 AARP - Life@50+; San Diego, CA
7-9 ARTBA - American Road and Transportation Builders Association; Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
7-10 GHSA - Governors Highway Safety Association; Grand Rapids, MI
7-11 Global Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress; Detroit, MI
8-12 ProWalk-Probike; Pittsburgh, PA
14-17 IBTTA International Bridge Tunnel and Turnpike Association; Austin, TX
14-17 ICMA - International City/County Management Association; Charlotte, NC
18-20 National Land Conservation Conference; Providence, RI
21-24 Rail~Volution; Minneapolis, MN
29-10/1 Child in the City; Odense, Denmark
29-10/1 European Transport Conference; Frankfurt, Germany
7-10 ASCE -- 143rd Annual Civil Engineering Conference; Panama
8 Walk to School Day
12-15 American Public Transportation Association (APTA); Houston, TX
14-16 NRPA - National Recreation and Park Association; Charlotte, NC
16-18 Washington State Trails Conference; Bellingham, WA
21-23 Walk21; Sydney, Australia
21-24 ULI - Urban Land Institute Fall Meeting; New York, NY
21-24 AMPO - Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations; Atlanta, GA
6-8 ASCE International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure; Long Beach, CA.
10-14 National Preservation Conference; Savannah, GA
15-19 American Public Health Association (APHA); New Orleans, LA
21-24 ASLA - American Society of Landscape Architects; Denver, CO
10-12 NCSL - Nat'l Conference of State Legislatures - Fall Forum; Washington, DC
7-10 International Disaster Conference / National Evacuation Conference; New Orleans, LA
12-16 Transportation Research Board (TRB); Washington, DC
16-17 Transforming Transportation (EMBARQ); Washington, DC
17-18 Oklahoma Bike Summit; Tulsa, OK
20-24 World Of Concrete; Las Vegas, NV
22-24 Conference of Mayors; Washington, DC
22-25 National Sheriffs Association Winter Conference; Washington, DC
24 Iowa Bicycle Summit; Des Moines, IA
27-28 ASTM F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear; Houston, TX
28-30 Nat'l Conf on Science, Policy and the Environment: Building Climate Solutions; Washington, DC
4-7 Winter Road Congress; Andorra
6-7 Media That Matters; Washington, DC
8 New Jersey Bike & Walk Summit; New Brunswick, NJ
9-11 National Conference of Regions; Washington, DC
10-11 Good Jobs, Green Jobs; Washington, DC
10-11 Colorado Bike Summit; Denver, CO
11 Maryland Bike Symposium; Annapolis, MD
12-13 International Winter Cycling Conference; Winnipeg, Canada
13-15 New Partners For Smart Growth; Denver, CO
16-19 Conference on Play; Clemson, SC
16-24 Safer Roads by Design: Across Six Continents; Orlando, FL
21-25 ATSSA - American Traffic Safety Services Assn. Convention and Traffic Expo; San Antonio, TX
22 Alumni Day; Princeton, NJ
23-27 Partners for Public Lands; Albuquerque, NM
1-5 NACO - National Association of Counties Legislative Conference; Washington, DC
3-4 Transportation/ Land Use Planning and Air Quality (TLUPAQ) Conference; Charlotte, NC
3-4 Smart and Sustainable Campuses; Baltimore, MD
3-5 National Bike Summit; Washington, DC
8-12 Congressional City Conference; Washington, DC
9-11 American Public Transportation Assn. Legislative Conference (APTA); Washington, DC
9-12 Active Living Research; San Diego, CA
9-12 Institute Of Transportation Engineers (ITE); Miami, FL
11-15 Aging in America; San Diego, CA
14-16 North American Handmade Bicycle Show; Charlotte, NC
19-21 Design-Build in Transportation; San Jose, CA
19-22 Urban Affairs Association; San Antonio, TX
21 Delaware Walk & Bike Summit; Newark, DE
25-26 National Recreation and Parks Association Legislative Forum; Washington, DC
26-28 Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference; Fort Worth, TX
27-29 MT Bike Walk Summit; Billings, MT
30-4/5 Sustainable Trails Conference; Stonewall, WV
1-4 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance; St. Louis, MO
8-10 California Trails and Greenways; Palm Springs, CA
8-11 International Association for Impact Assessment; Vina del Mar, Chile
8-12 Association of American Geographers (AAG); Tampa, FL
9-11 Fifth International Transportation and Economic Development Conference; Dallas, TX
9-11 ULI - Urban Land Institute Spring Meeting; Vancouver, Canada
11-12 Georgia Trail Summit; Athens, GA
12-13 Global Health and Innovation Conference; New Haven, CT
14-16 Women's Issues in Transportation; Paris, France
14-17 Transport Research Arena; Paris, France
16-18 International Conference on Roundabouts; Seattle, WA
21-22 Oregon Active Transportation Summit; Portland, OR
22-25 ICTI - International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure; Pisa, Italy
24-26 Alaska Statewide Trails Conference; Anchorage, Alaska.
26-30 APA - American Planning Association; Atlanta, GA
27-29 Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities; Nashville, TN
28-30 Transportation Asset Management; Miami, FL
4-7 APWA - American Public Works Assn. North American Snow Conference; Cincinnati, OH
4-7 APTA Bus and Paratransit Conference; Kansas City, MO
7 Bike To School Day
7-9 Eastern Region Communication and Technology Conference; New Brunswick, NJ
8-10 AARP - Life@50+; Boston, MA
13-16 National Outdoor Recreation Conference; San Francisco, CA
14-16 PedsCount! 2014; Sacramento, CA
18-21 National Main Streets Conference; Detroit, MI
18-21 International Safer Roads Conference; Cheltenham, U.K.
19-21 Electric Drive Transportation Association; Indianapolis, IN
21-23 International Transport Forum; Leipzig, Germany
27-30 Velo-City Global; Adelaide, Australia
28-30 Urban Transport and the Environment; The Algarve, Portugal
29-6/1 Reunions; Princeton, NJ
3-5 Energy Ocean International; Atlantic City, NJ
4-7 CNU - Congress For The New Urbanism; Buffalo, NY
7 National Trails Day
8-11 NARC - National Association of Regional Councils; Louisville, KY
8-12 International Making Cities Livable (IMCL); Portland, OR
15-18 APTA Rail Conference; Montreal, Canada
20-13 U.S. Conference of Mayors; Dallas, TX
20-25 National Sheriffs Association; Fort Worth, TX
23-24 ASTM F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear; Toronto, Canada
26-28 AIA - American Institute of Architects; Chicago, IL
29-7/2 North American Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NATMEC); Chicago, IL
9-11 Surface Transportation Financing; Irvine, CA
9-11 NACCHO - Nat'l Ass'n of County and City Health Officials; Atlanta, GA
10-11 Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) Safety Symposium; Washington, DC
11-14 NACO - National Association of Counties; New Orleans, LA
16-18 Footbridge 2014; London, UK
20-23 Alternative Intersections and Interchanges; Salt Lake City, UT
21-23 Transportation Planning for Small and Medium-Sized Communities; Burlington, VT
3-8 Global Level Crossing Symposium; Urbana-Champaign, IL
6-8 Alliance for Community Media; Philadelphia, PA
6-9 International Cycling History Conference; Baltimore, MD
10-13 Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE); Seattle, WA
17-20 APWA - American Public Works Association; Toronto, Canada
19-22 NSCL - Nat'l Conference of State Legislatures - Legislative Summit; Minneapolis, MN
1 Mackinac Bridge Walk; Mackinaw City, MI
4-6 AARP - Life@50+; San Diego, CA
7-9 ARTBA - American Road and Transportation Builders Association; Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
7-10 GHSA - Governors Highway Safety Association; Grand Rapids, MI
7-11 Global Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress; Detroit, MI
8-12 ProWalk-Probike; Pittsburgh, PA
14-17 IBTTA International Bridge Tunnel and Turnpike Association; Austin, TX
14-17 ICMA - International City/County Management Association; Charlotte, NC
18-20 National Land Conservation Conference; Providence, RI
21-24 Rail~Volution; Minneapolis, MN
29-10/1 Child in the City; Odense, Denmark
29-10/1 European Transport Conference; Frankfurt, Germany
7-10 ASCE -- 143rd Annual Civil Engineering Conference; Panama
8 Walk to School Day
12-15 American Public Transportation Association (APTA); Houston, TX
14-16 NRPA - National Recreation and Park Association; Charlotte, NC
16-18 Washington State Trails Conference; Bellingham, WA
21-23 Walk21; Sydney, Australia
21-24 ULI - Urban Land Institute Fall Meeting; New York, NY
21-24 AMPO - Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations; Atlanta, GA
6-8 ASCE International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure; Long Beach, CA.
10-14 National Preservation Conference; Savannah, GA
15-19 American Public Health Association (APHA); New Orleans, LA
21-24 ASLA - American Society of Landscape Architects; Denver, CO
10-12 NCSL - Nat'l Conference of State Legislatures - Fall Forum; Washington, DC
The Association of Travel Instruction is another walking-friendly conference. That annual conference will be held in Portland, OR August 19-21.