Data Sources

California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS)
The Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) is a database that serves as a means to collect and process data gathered from a collision scene. The Internet SWITRS application is a tool by which California Highway Patrol (CHP) staff and members of its Allied Agencies throughout California can request various types of statistical reports in an electronic format. 

California Office of Traffic Safety
Includes California Traffic Safety Quick Stats (Fast Facts)2012 California Roadside Drug and Alcohol Survey2010 California Traffic Safety Survey (OTS), and more.

Crowdsourcing Pedestrian and Cyclist Activity Data
This paper considers how crowdsourcing applications and crowdsourced data are currently being applied, as well as potential new uses for active transportation research and planning efforts of various types. The objectives of this white paper are to review existing crowdsourced bicycle and pedestrian data resources and crowdsourcing tools; discuss potential planning implementations of crowdsourced data for a sample of bicycle and pedestrian project types; and provide examples of how crowdsourcing is currently being used to inform decision-making. Potential issues related to crowdsourced data are also considered (e.g., quality, privacy concerns, participation rates, bias).

Dangerous by Design 2014 Fatalities Map
An interactive map below to find pedestrian fatalities in your area, from 2003 to 2012.

Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection
TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 797: Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection describes methods and technologies for counting pedestrians and bicyclists, offers guidance on developing a non-motorized count program, gives suggestions on selecting appropriate counting methods and technologies, and provides examples of how organizations have used non-motorized count data to better fulfill their missions.

NHTSA 2013 Traffic Safety Fact Sheet
A pedestrian, as defined for this fact sheet, is any person on foot, walking, running, jogging, hiking, sitting, or lying down who is involved in a motor vehicle traffic crash. A traffic crash is defined as an incident that involved one or more motor vehicles where at least one vehicle was in transport and the crash originated on a public traffic way, such as a road or highway. Crashes that occurred on private property, including parking lots and driveways, are excluded.

National Household Travel Survey
The 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) provides information to assist transportation planners and policy makers who need comprehensive data on travel and transportation patterns in the United States. The 2009 NHTS updates information gathered in the 2001 NHTS and in prior Nationwide Personal Transportation Surveys (NPTS) conducted in 1969, 1977, 1983, 1990, and 1995. 

Transportation Injury Mapping System
TIMS has been established by researchers at the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) at the University of California, Berkeley to provide data and mapping analysis tools and information for traffic safety related research, policy and planning.

World Health Organization Road Traffic Injuries
WHO works with partners - governmental and nongovernmental - around the world to raise the profile of the preventability of road traffic injuries and promote good practices related to helmet and seat-belt wearing, not drinking and driving, not speeding and being visible in traffic. Includes Global status report on road safety 2013Global health observatoryData manual.

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