Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sidewalk Hall of Shame

Inspired by KECT's recent request to submit photos of broken sidewalks in LA, I took a stroll around my neighborhood to "show off" some of the most absurd examples of what passes for a sidewalk in Woodland Hills--AND, since I'm a transpo geek that way, I came up with a point system to rate just how bad they are. Think of it as a sort of anti-WalkScore.
If you squint, it almost looks like modern art on Medina Rd near Baza Ave.
Disconnectivity (0-10)
One of the most critical elements of walkability, this criteria rates whether or not a sidewalk actually takes you anywhere. Like the roller skate without its mate, the lone sidewalk won't get you anywhere if it's not part of network. Sure, it's well and good to have a beautiful smooth sidewalk in front of your house, but if your neighbors aren't on board how far are you really going to be able to walk?
 A dead end at Campo Rd near Celes St.

Friday, October 7, 2011

This Week on Foot

This week has been dangerous for pedestrians and trains, as we learn of a Pedestrian Killed By Amtrak Train In North Hollywood and there were No Safe Option for Jersey Teens Killed on Railroad Tracks. On the other hand, it hasn't been so safe for pedestrians and vehicles, like the Wheelchair-bound pedestrian hit Sunday dies. And it should come as no surprise, as In Crashes, Low Driving Speed Can Cause Serious Injury and Death to Pedestrians, Report Finds.

Fortunately, this week there have also been numerous efforts to thwart pedestrian safety problems. In Nevada, there were Grants to help NLV police target pedestrian safety, and closer to home El Monte Walks Towards a Healthier Future.    Across the country, the MLK corridor to have pedestrian-friendly restrictions on buildings in Winston-Salem, and a Bagley Pedestrian Bridge in Detroit Provides Safe Access to Canada

Speaking of Canada, one Canadian mayor insists that his City must become safer for pedestrians, while in Vancouver a Messy street patterns boost city's walkability. Further abroad they're Building a Joburg for walkers

Finding safe routes is key in successful walking programs, which LA's new Model Street Manual: A Generic Road Map to Sustainable Transportation Planning will surely help do. And LA isn't the only place thinking about good road design: 'Complete Streets' might come to city of Zeeland in Michigan.

Of course, there are always other ways to deal with pedestrian-vehicle this Texas Pedestrian tells driver to buy him a beer, he'd forget about being hit. Proof again that they do things a little differently in Texas, I guess.

And sometimes we do things a little differently here in LA too--don't forget CiLAvia this Sunday!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

KCET wants to see your crack

Your sidewalk crack, that is. KECT is compiling a map of the worst examples in LA, and will share some of them on-air in the future. Submit your heinous sidewalk photos by following the instructions here.

My only problem will be picking which horrible sidewalk in my neighborhood to showcase. So many options...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's International Walk to School Day!

Celebrate with your favorite kid by doing the Ped Safety Dance, or check out an activity at your local school. Here are just a few of the fun things happening this week at schools around the region.

Westlake Elementary School
We always invite the City's Bike Patrol and Horse Patrol to International Walk to School Day. We get the word out via a big banner at the front of the school and via the weekly email newsletter sent to all parents. This is the kick off of a year-long program, "Westlake's Walking and Wheeling Wednesdays," in which we have walking and biking events the first Wednesday of every month. We give the kids punch cards to attach to their backpacks which they can get punched every month. There are incentives for walking of biking 3 months in a row and for walking or biking every month of the year.
Linwood E. Howe Elementary School
We will be working with a local Girl Scout Troop to hold a bike clinic the weekend before so that families can get their bikes tuned up and students can learn about and practice bicycle safety. On Walk to School Wednesday, local city and school district officials will meet us in front of City Hall to walk to school. This will be the kick-off event for monthly Walk to School Wednesdays, which will be part of our encouragement efforts for our Safe Routes to School Program. 
William Mckinley Elementary School
We set up stations at all four corners on the way to school. Everyone who walks gets a juice and muffin and a wristband that says "I Walked".

Bell Gardens High School
Bell Gardens will host Safe Routes to School Week during the week of October 17th. The events will promote walking as a viable form of transportation and educate students about new infrastructure improvements, how to walk safely, the importance of physical activity and practicing healthy eating habits.

Tulsa St Elementary School
Cliff Kids sponsors us and donates healthy snacks for those that walk. We have all the walkers sign a banner and hang it up in the Cafeteria area.

Sunset Hills Elementary School
We always have a theme like "Buzz on up to School" or "Hop on up to School" We draw encouraging notes on the sidewalks for the children as they enter the school. We give out toe tokens for the children who walk. we also try to provide a healthy snack to those who walk. We also collect "slightly used" tennis shoes to give to charity.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Week on Foot

This week has been full of more buzzing about the recent study of the bike-ped relationship. As multiple sources point out, according to the Study: Pedestrians safer with more bikes on the street and
Local Data Confirm: NYC Bike-on-Ped Injuries Declined as Cycling Rates Rose . So, I guess it's no surprise that the Bike-Pedestrian Safety Study Draws Jabs.

Meanwhile in New York, A New Look Is Coming to Times Square: Minimalism, and  Audible Pedestrian Signals Debut At 25 NYC Intersections!

But it's not just New Yorkers thinking about pedestrian infrastructure. In Pennsylvania a Group wants to make Kennett Square more "walkable", and there's a Pedestrian bridge finished over Maine Turnpike.

Of course, here in LA it's the vehicle infrastructure people care about, as Protesters to Demand Their 'Apron' Parking Spots Back. Given the dangers pedestrians face here, like the Pedestrian struck by car and badly injured in El Monte or the Pedestrian Struck on PCH in Pacific Palisades, it's a shame cars are getting all the attention.

But in other parts of the country, pedestrians are getting their due, like in Oregon where a Report highlights bike, pedestrian activity in region, Baltimore where Pedestrian, bike safety issues are focus of efforts, and Philadelphia where AARP and the Mayor's Commission on Aging Partner to Make Philadelphia Streets More Walkable for the City's 50+ Population.

Unfortunately, similar efforts in Florida may not have been enough, as Traffic deaths drop in Florida, but pedestrian deaths climb. But across the ocean in Abu Dhabi Pedestrian deaths drop by a third, so at least there's some positive news out there--and speaking of positive stories, if you're looking for one, check out how this Pedestrian hit by train tells story of recovery.