Friday, June 29, 2012

This Week on Foot

The big news is bad news this week, as we learn the Complete Streets Provision Eliminated From Final Transpo Bill. Yet even without the support of the feds, cities across the country are still working to implement Complete Streets projects, like in  Reno where they're looking for Public Input on Sutro Complete Street Project. Elsewhere Asheville's Charlotte Street could see pedestrian-friendly improvements, a Pedestrian plaza plan discussed in Rowlette, Texas, Shrewsbury Walkability Study Examines Sidewalks, Safety and the Santa Monica Pedestrian Action Plan To Make Sidewalks More Friendly.

Yet the federal government has some companions, like the Bikers rally against city's vote on Complete Streets. It seems kind of odd, given The Grave Health Risks of Unwalkable Communities. Shouldn't we want more  On the Road Again besides just cars?

Here in LA we've got plenty on the road--and the sidewalks too, like the Lighthearted street art delights (and confuses) downtown L.A. visitors. And those sidewalks will be getting some improvements, since Alarcon has $500,000 for sidewalks in the Valley. Even better, after one advocate shot a video to raised awareness of the problem, the LADOT promises that a Signalized Crosswalk Coming for Sunset and Vista . Of course, it wouldn't hurt to do some road dieting along Sunset also, since we know that Narrow lanes equal safer streets. From safety to where? Discussing the future of safe streets at a CNU talk can answer that question, but you'll have to check out this story to learn Which American cities are the healthiest?

Elsewhere in the world, Pedestrian bridge collapses in Lahore, one killed, while Pedestrian struck, killed by Metrolink train in San Fernando, and  Road death toll rises for the first time in a decade with worrying increase in cyclist and pedestrian fatalities. Good thing Cops set up sting to keep pedestrians safe, but can they prevent Distracted driving, changing culture leading to clashes between cars and pedestrians?

Back here in California, the 'No parking' model doesn't sell in Santa Monica, and we wonder Will Los Angeles Say Goodbye to LOS? If it does, maybe they'll send Greetings From Walkable, Bikeable, Transit-Oriented Asbury Park, N.J., where they're doing more than just changing CEQA standards to promote active transportation.

Finally this week, we learn about how Research Suggests Denser Development Is Good for Single-Family Home Values and consider Aging: A Collective Response, while we also contemplate All change – the future of travel. Hopefully it won't be a Big box boondoggle because some people out there care about Keeping the village way of life (aka the walkable one). 

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