Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Safe Routes to School News

I was inspired during today's Southern California Safe Routes to School network conference call by some of the interesting projects happening throughout the region  (if you'd like info on how to join in the monthly calls, contact the CA policy manager Jessica Meaney). Here's the scoop on what's happening with SRTS in:

Los Angeles
The City has received nearly $500,000 in funding to work with six schools in the west LA area on outreach and education to increase active transportation to school. The educational campaign has included public service announcements on spanish and english TV (starring kids from the target schools), lawn signs, educational brochures, billboards, radio spots, and ads on buses and at bus shelters. Along with the media blitz the schools have held assemblies, given out prizes like bikes and pedometers, and worked with parents to address perceived safety concerns. The results have been a 19 percent increase in kids walking to school. You can learn  more about the City's activities at the Watch the Road website.

A committee of dedicated parents in Glendale have been working for the last two years to improve safety around local school sites. Their first step was to address the hazardous conditions created by parents' poor driving habits. The committee created a valet system for the AM drop-off period, staffed by student, faculty, and parent volunteers (and the occasional school board member), then took a stab at the PM pick-up period by piloting a "no drive zone" around the school: parents who drove to pick up their kids were required to park several blocks away (a local grocery store generously let the parents use their parking lot), then walk to get their children.

Burbank has been focusing on bikes lately in its SRTS efforts, setting up a bike education program with assemblies on bike safety and special courses for parents and kids. The city has also set up a bike coop program, where kids learn to fix and maintain donated bikes--and then get to keep them for their own. Next year the City plans to set up a citywide committee to address SRTS on a bigger scale, taking a look at areas where pedestrian improvements could help get more kids walking.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Walking in Mexico

Every time I hit the pavement in Latin America, I'm reminded of its penchant for pedestrian contrasts. On one hand you have narrow, cracked sidewalks that trip up even the most able-bodied person out there, a complete dearth of street furniture, choking diesel fumes, and a general disregard for the rights of those on foot--not to mention a nearly complete lack of marked crossings.

But then one block over you have lovely landscaping, narrow streets, relatively wide sidewalks:

Pleasant plazas accessed by pedestrian-only streets, with lots of engaging public space:

Or even really cool things like parks built on top of parking lots:

And crossing guards at the main downtown intersections:

So I just can't ever decide if Mexico does pedestrian design worse or better than us in the U.S.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

This Week on Boat

I'm off on the high seas this week, hopefully returning next week with some photos of walking conditions in Mexico...

 image courtest of matty!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

This Week on Foot

There has been plenty of good news on the pedestrian safety front this week. In Utah, HAWK signals aim to make Salt Lake City streets safer, while in Oregon Bandon youth build safe pathway for pedestrians and in Michigan the Legislature approves 'Complete Streets' plan to improve transportation for pedestrians and bicyclists. Perhaps all the initiative for ped safety is blowing over from the UK, where in Derby Cyclists in pedestrian zones face crackdown.

But it's not all bright and cheery out there. Even though the in Georgia a City wants downtown pedestrian-friendly, locals are thwarted in their efforts to install pedestrian safety improvements. As the article describes, the city council was, "...forced to deny a citizen's request to install pedestrian crossing signs around the Court Square because state law prohibits it." Sounds like Georgia could use the help of Peaton Man.

Then there was the Pedestrian struck and killed by car in Balboa Park while wearing headphones, a crash that's sure to fuel the debate over the dangers of distracted walking.

Another pedestrian debate is raging in Florida, where this week we learned about South Florida's sidewalk debate: To pave or not?. On the con side are those who argue that sidewalks,..."would attract all the traffic, dog-walking, people-walking and noise that they bring." I'll refrain from comment on that one, as anything I write is likely to be too snippy for this family-friendly blog.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Best Towns 2010

Here's how I know I'm getting to my husband: he's started spotting all the articles featuring pedestrian issues in his magazines.

This month it was Outside Magazine's list of the Best Towns of 2010, which picked the westside town of Boise, Idaho (runner-up: Carbondale, Colorado) and eastside Portland, Maine (runner up: Chattanooga, Tennessee) as the best hometowns for outdoor enthusiasts. I would have loved the list no matter what because it includes Port Townsend, Washington--birthplace of my forefathers and mothers and also home to Walkable Communities-- but I was especially pleased with the Outside editors for choosing cities based on whether or not you could "walk--not drive-- from your home, and in a few minutes later engage in the sport you love most."

I think that should be a top criteria for every city. Even if your favorite sport is shopping.

Port Townsend, WA

P.S. The editors did consider Ventura for the list...then rejected due to the high cost of living. Wry sigh.