Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Equal Footing Summit - September 16, 2010

Not only does it have a clever name, it's free! What's not to love?

2010 Equal Footing Summit

Equal Footing is a new project of America Walks. They will launch their campaign with a FREE SUMMIT on September 16 in Chattanooga, TN in order to achieve concrete outcomes such as:
  • Raise the profile of walking to an issue of national importance.
  • Build unity and energy so that we can speak with one voice for transforming walking and walkability in America.
  • Raise America Walks' capacity to lead the national walking movement.

 Go to http://www.americawalks.org/equal-footing for more details.


  1. But it is in Chattanooga, which is far from LA. Are you going, Katie?

  2. Well, hopefully some walkers who are closer to TN can attend and let us know how it goes!
